Caleb Pocernich
What trade are you in? Operators
Local Union number: 139
How long were you in? 11.5 years still serving
Last rank? SGT. E-5
What do you feel were the most beneficial skills learned while in the military? Being on time/early Work ethic.
What did you do after your contract was up? I joined the union in 2016 after returning from an 11 month deployment to Afghanistan.
Why the trades? Learned the pay was good and it didn’t take college to get a job that would support my family.
How did you hear about H2H? From another vet that used the program.
How effective were your military skills with your job in the trades? Very
What is your current job title? Operator
Name the top three benefits of joining a union?
1. Great pay
2. Fantastic retirement benefits
3. And unmatchable insurance benefits
If you had it to do over again, would you choose to go the same route? Absolutely with no questions.
Would you recommend H2H to other veterans? If so, why? Yes; it’s a fast and direct route to getting your foot in the door to a great career.
What is the most beneficial tool from utilizing the H2H program? Getting your foot in the door.
What would you say to other veterans about utilizing the H2H program? Stay with it and let them help you.